As we all know by now, one of the most crucial weapons in fighting the virus is social distancing. This practice is very unnatural for us humans, but in this case, it is essential. To make this difficult time a bit easier I have gathered some tips for maintaining your mental health.
1. Have a routine
It might be difficult but in these times having a routine is beneficial in terms of our mental well-being. That means you should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, eat meals at regular times and do any other activities at set times. If we don’t organise our time it is much easier to experience boredom or in some cases even anxiety and depression. If you are having trouble keeping up with a routine, it might help you to write it down. Personally, I like to plan my day the evening before by writing everything I want to get done down in my notebook.
2. Go outside
Spending time in nature is proven to reduce stress and increase pleasant emotions. It is not only beneficial for our mental health but for physical wellbeing as well. If you aren’t already you should start going outdoors every day. It can be for only an hour or so and you can spend it doing whatever you want- hiking, exercising, cycling or just going on a short walk.
3. Keep your room clean
All of a sudden your room is not only the place where you relax and sleep- but also your classroom. It is way too easy to lose your motivation to do schoolwork if you have to spend your whole day in that one room. But a great way to make sure you stay as productive as you can be is to keep your room clean and tidy. Try to make your bed each morning and keep your workspace organised.
4. Keep in contact with your friends
We are social creatures so human interaction is very important to us. But in these times we have to get a little more creative with it. Of course, texting is great but it is even better to call or video call a friend- I am sure it won’t be difficult to find a topic to talk about.
Finally, I want to mention, that if you feel like you need a bit more help, you should always reach out for it and not be embarrassed. A good place to start would be talking to our school counsellor.