On Friday, October 21, 2022, as part of the social studies ITS, we visited and took a closer look at the exhibition Ceramics in Slovenia 2005-2022 in the KGLU gallery in Slovenj Gradec. The earliest ceramics made by humans were pottery objects (pots, vessels or vases) or figures made from clay, either by itself or mixed with other materials, hardened and in fire. WHY CLAY? Clay is one of the few modern sculptural materials to provide a good illustration of the desire for expression with nature and a connection to our ancestors. It’s a fine art material that can be used to make both sculptures and functional products. It can also be used for the most modern artistic realisations such as art objects. OUR THOUGHT At first we thought that the exhibition would not be anything special, but at soon as we walked into the gallery, it positively surprised us because of the variety and uniqueness of the sculptures. We really liked the whole exhibition, as it stood out from the ordinary and offered us new possibilities for perceiving art. MENSTRUAL CUP The ceramic "menstrual cups" caught our eye the most because of their melting appearance and their deeper meaning, which represents female fertility and brings a new life into our world… “The process of designing sculptures and other objects in ceramic – as far as the field of art is concerned – should not be understood merely as conserving traditional processes such as adding and removing clay, modelling it and placing it into molds, painting and decorating techniques.” - Damir Globočnik Catalog about the exhibition: https://www.nms.si/si/files/default/Razstave/obcasne-2023/keramika-v- sloveniji/keramika-v-slovenij-katalog.pdf
Menstruation (2020) – Meta Mramor
Observer(2022)- Renato Arnejčič
By Ajda Jamnik, Lana Epšek and Valentina Popič